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Implementation of a seizure of execution of the object of a mortgage execution in the form of a Motor Boat (SPOB)

Implementation of a seizure of execution of the object of a mortgage execution in the form of a Motor Boat (SPOB)

On August 29, 2022, Alhamdulillah, a confiscation of execution was carried out on the object of execution in the form of a SPOB (Self Propelled Oil Barge) motorcycle by the Gedong Tataan Religious Court on the request for the execution of the hypotek proposed by the Dewan Syam & Partners Law Firm as the Power of the Islamic Bank to the Customer of the Bank Customer Sharia who has committed an act of breaking the promise of financing with the type of musyarakah and murabaha contracts.

The implementation of the execution seizure went smoothly with the execution of the execution applicant, Chairman of PA Gedong Tataan, PA Gedong Tataan, PA Gedong Tataan, Witnesses, village officials, and local police officers, without being attended by the request of the execution both principles and their power.

For more information, it can be seen on the PA Gedong Tataan website with the following link:
Publication Implementation of a seizure of execution of the object of a mortgage execution in the form of a Motor Boat (SPOB)
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