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Implementation of the Decision of the National Sharia Arbitration Board at the Religious Court of Madiun City

Implementation of the Decision of the National Sharia Arbitration Board at the Religious Court of Madiun City

DSP Law Firm as the recipient of authority from the Sharia Financial Institution has submitted an application for the resolution of Islamic economic disputes at the National Sharia Arbitration Board (Basyarnas) for the act of Ingkar Promise (Default) Financing Facility under the Murabahah Akad scheme.

Madiun City Religious Court based on the origin of 13 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Supreme Court Regulation No. 14 of 2016 concerning Procedures for Settling Sharia Economic Cases, has carried out the Basyarnas Decision to confiscate the execution of the financial guarantee objects included in the Amar Basyarnas Decision.
Publication Implementation of the Decision of the National Sharia Arbitration Board at the Religious Court of Madiun City
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