Alhamdulillah, I was able to attend and be one of the speakers at the 2019 Ijtima'Sanawi And Semiloka DSN-MUI seminar at Aston Bogor Hotel. In this seminar and workshop there were a number of points conveyed by the DSP Team as well as representatives of the Mahasantri Pesantren PLMM DSN-MUI as Legal Practitioners who were directly involved in Islamic economic disputes, namely the need for additional roles for DPS Members (Sharia Supervisory Board) to mediate before the dispute enter the realm of litigation. what is meant by the mediator is that DPS as a person who is considered to be very knowledgeable in the science of muamalah fiqh should be able to become a mediator between the financial institutions and partners / customers. this is important because all this time, the resolution of Islamic economic disputes at the mediation stage at the Religious Courts is still at the formality stage, not touching the core problems of the Sharia Agreement.