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DSP Law Firm

Litigation of Shariah Economic Legal Action

Practice Area
A thorough understanding of Sharia Business Acts is the main key to the success and failure of the process of resolving Islamic economic disputes through litigation both in Court and the Arbitration process at the National Sharia Arbitration Board (Basyarnas).

DSP has experience defending against lawsuits from debtors or third parties against the Islamic financial industry, both in the Religious Courts and in the forum of the National Sharia Arbitration Board (Basyarnas).

DSP is also able to explain the makhosid of sharia contracts to related parties, so that the defense can be maximized and not multi-interpretations that burden the Islamic financial industry.

Sharia Economic Cases that have been handled on behalf of Sharia Financial Institution Clients at the Religious Court or Basyarnas include:
  1. PT Al Ijarah Indonesia Finance, Request for Dispute Resolution of Acts of Default against the Murabahah Agreement against the Defaulting Debtor, by submitting an application at the National Sharia Arbitration Board.

  2. PT Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk, Request for Dispute Resolution of Acts of Default against Akad Murabahah and / or as a provider of Musyarakah Mutanaqisah contract objects, at the National Sharia Arbitration Board.

  3. PT Bank Syariah Indonesia, Tbk, Fiat Execution of Musyarakah Financing Contract Objects in the form of Mortgages on Barges in the Balikpapan Religious Court Area, and Mortgages on Tug Boats in the Gedong Tataan Religious Court Area.

  4. PT Bank CIMB Niaga, Tbk (Syariah Business Unit), handling a lawsuit for annulment of the Ijarah Muntahiyah bit Thamlik Agreement at the South Jakarta Religious Court.

  5. PT Kapital Boost Indonesia, lawsuit against the Financing Recipient of the Murabahah Peer to peer landing financing agreement based on information technology (Fintech Syariah) at the Central Jakarta Religious Court.

  6. Kapital Boost Pte, Ltd (Singapore), lawsuit against the financing recipient of the Murabahah peer to peer landing contract, at the Cibinong Religious Court.

  7. PT BPRS Harta Insan Karimah (HIK), request for execution of the object of mortgage rights on the Musyarakah Agreement at the Bekasi Religious Court.
Corporate Action
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Sharia Financial Services Institution (LJK) Syndicated Financing
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Head Office
Jakarta Office
Jl. Cempaka Putih Raya No. 13A, Cempaka Putih Barat, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat 10520

Surabaya Office
Komplek Andhika Plaza Blok B/4, Jl. Simpang Dukuh 38-40, Surabaya 60275
Jawa Timur - INDONESIA
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